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  • The specified file temporary://fileAwZ8Vu could not be copied, because the destination directory is not properly configured. This may be caused by a problem with file or directory permissions. More information is available in the system log.
  • The specified file temporary://file1IMXKC could not be copied, because the destination directory is not properly configured. This may be caused by a problem with file or directory permissions. More information is available in the system log.
  • The specified file temporary://filec6n4zK could not be copied, because the destination directory is not properly configured. This may be caused by a problem with file or directory permissions. More information is available in the system log.
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ISS Blog

Resolutions or Evolutions?

Article-Resolutions or Evolutions?

Today is day 2 of your New Year's Resolution ... Are you still holding fast, or have you already wavered?

Every year on Jan. 1, people all over the world set themselves up for what I like to refer to as "the big fall." It consists of all the lofty promises we make to ourselves and loved ones regarding our shimmering, shiny vision for the upcoming year. Common commitments uttered as part of this folly include quitting smoking, "getting back in shape," spending more time on hobbies, and being a generally more pleasant and compassionate person.

It's wonderful to set goals and state aspirations, and everyone should strive for self-improvement (at least annually). But why do we wait for the first of the year? I mean, what is so special about that day really? To many, it erroneously represents a magical blank slate, much akin to the Catholic practice of going to Confession: You speak your errors and intentions aloud, repeat a few penitent phrases, and walk away purged, refreshed, and ready to do more damage. A new year is like a freshly painted wall swollen with possibility.

My feeling is this: Every moment, every choice, every step forward presents an opportunity for us to reinvent ourselves. Yes, this can include being a "better" person, making the "right" decisions and feeling "worthy." But more important, this power should be a constant reminder of our ability to weave our own destinies. Regardless of your personal philosophies on free will, you can't deny that your choices define who you are. So who will you be in 2007?

Better yet, who will your business be this year? A community player? The eyesore on the block? A victim of crime? A forerunner of marketing innovation? These are things to think about as you sign up for that new gym membership and slap on that nicotine patch.

OK, in the spirit of fresh starts, I'll admit I made a few resolutions of my own, kind of unofficially, in the back of my mind. Yeah, they include the usual pursuits of good health and a stress-free lifestyle, but mostly they have to do with standing up for and against particular things. Example: for things that promote positive energy and happiness and against those powers and people who control, intimidate, and generally exude ill will. Let this be the year of deflecting negativity ... We could all do with some of that action.

Happy New Year, and happy wishes for a strong resolve, whatever your mission of choice!